If you are finished, choose Done, add title to movie. You can preview the title by looking at the Preview Monitor on the right side of your screen. If you wish to add a sub headline, type it in the second textbox. In the first textbox, type in your headline.

Make sure you select the clip on the timeline or storyboard that you want to the title to precede. For example, if you want to add a title before a clip, choose Add title before the selected clip in the timeline. Select where you would like to add your title.
Make sure you save it where your other movie items reside. Movie Maker will prompt you to save your audio file.Movie Maker will automatically stop recording when the playback indicator reaches the end of the movie. When you are finished recording, click Stop Narration. Click Start Narration to begin recording.Test your microphone and make sure the input level does not hit the red area while you are speaking.Drag the playback indicator to the beginning of your movie, or where you want to begin your narration.To begin, go to Tools > Narrate Timeline. Windows Movie Maker lets you record narration while playing your movie, however, it is necessary to have a microphone attached to the computer you are using.The clips after the deleted portion will move into the unoccupied space.Ĭreating Narrative and adding it to the Audio Timeline To delete the portion you just selected, right click on it and choose Delete.The portion of the clip you want to remove should be in-between two splits. If the portion of the clip you wish to remove is not at the beginning or end f the clip, repeat the last step.To remove part of an audio or video clip in order to achieve the 30 second time limit, start by moving the playback indicator to the time you wish to start cutting the clip.Click on the end of the clip and drag it out to add time, or in to remove time. To change the length of time a photo is displayed, select the image on the timeline.Remember: Copyright video and audio cannot be played for more than 30 seconds.Any audio associated with the video clip will be placed in the Audio layer. To add video, click on the desired video clip in your collection and drag it into the Video layer on the timeline or onto a storyboard slide.To delete a transition, right click on the transition in the timeline or storyboard and choose Delete.Drag and drop the new transition on top of the existing transition. To change an existing transition, select a new transition from the Video Transitions menu.Select the desired transition, drag it onto the timeline or storyboard and drop it between two video clips. To add a transition between two video clips, click on Video Transitions.Remember: Copyright music cannot be played for more than 30 seconds. To add music, click on the desired music clip and drag it into the Audio/Music layer in the timeline view.If you wish to change views, click on the Show Storyboard or Show Timeline icon. Windows Movie Maker allows users to toggle between storyboard or timeline views.Hold down the left mouse button and drag the image onto the Video layer on the timeline or onto a storyboard slide. To add a photo or still image to your video, click on the image you would like to add first.Select the items you wish to import and click Import. To import media into your collections folder, select the folder you just created and choose File > Import into Collections.You will save all of your pictures, audio and video in this folder. Before you begin, create a new collection folder by clicking on the New Collection Folder icon and renaming the folder.National Recognition & Successful OutcomesĬTLE Online Tutorials / Technology Tutorials.